Deployed Contracts (Testnet)
Warning: BitFi is deployed on Sepolia (Ethereum), Binance Smart Chain Testnet, Bitcoin Testnet3, and Bitlayer Testnet. Assets on these testnets have no real value.
Contract Addresses (Testnet):
Ethereum Sepolia:
bfBTC: 0xbcfB9D5f0b057cA5867970AdbB244917555466a9 (Proxy)
WBTC Test Token: 0x05710e96a48AF222b564e6A222fF2f3d56725c32
Binance Smart Chain Testnet:
bfBTC: 0xbcfB9D5f0b057cA5867970AdbB244917555466a9 (Proxy)
BTCB Test Token: 0x05710e96a48AF222b564e6A222fF2f3d56725c32
Bitlayer Testnet:
bfBTC: 0x79636076e249dbFAF724D2974Abc610c69d83E39 (Proxy)
Testnet deployments limitations
Network Constraints:
Transactions may fail or experience delays due to testnet node performance.
Data anomalies may occur due to chain reorganizations.
Account information retrieval might be temporarily unavailable.
Protocol Updates:
Multiple contract upgrades are expected during testing.
Deployed contract addresses may change without notice.
Testnet deployment goals:
End-to-end cross-chain functionality testing.
Protocol stability and security validation.
Community feedback collection.
For the latest updates and contract addresses, refer to BitFi's developer community and social media channels.
Last updated